Use LAPs to help prepare your students for the A*S*K certification exams. This package of 100 LAPs and the associated PowerPoints includes those most relevant to the Fundamental Marketing Concepts exam. Since LAPs are based on the same industry validation research as the A*S*K exams, they make great review and study materials to help ensure that your students are prepared to earn their certification. Keep in mind, though, that LAP modules are NOT currently available to address every performance indicator covered on each A*S*K exam. Click here to learn more about A*S*K Institute.
Each complete LAP module includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) as well as an instructor section featuring a comprehensive discussion guide, complete practice- (short-answer) and post-tests (multiple-choice) with descriptive keys, student activities, and more. Bring your discussions to life with the included PowerPoints featuring a broad range of graphics to help keep students interested.
Titles included in this package (see individual catalog numbers for more information):
- LAP-BL-003, Own It Your Way (Types of Business Ownership), ©21 (formerly LAP-BL-001)
- LAP-CM-001, Chart Your Channels (Channel Management), ©21 (formerly LAP-CM-002)
- LAP-CM-003, Channel It (Channels of Distribution), revised, ©21
- *LAP-CM-006, The Right Path (Ethics in Channel Management), ©23
- LAP-CR-003, Accentuate the Positive (Nature of Customer Relations), revised, ©25 (CS)
- LAP-CR-004, Set Your Mind to It (Customer Service Mindset), revised, ©25 (CS)
- LAP-CR-009, Making Mad Glad (Handling Difficult Customers), revised, ©25 (CS)
- LAP-CR-010, Righting Wrongs (Handling Customer Complaints), revised, ©21
- LAP-EC-016, Regulate and Protect (Government and Business), revised, ©21
- LAP-EC-070, Business Connections (Business and Society), revised, ©21
- LAP-EC-071, Strictly Business (Business Activities), revised, ©24
- LAP-EC-901, Are You Satisfied? (Economics and Economic Activities), ©22 (formerly LAP-EC-006)
- LAP-EC-902, Get the Goods on Goods and Services (Economic Goods and Services), ©21 (formerly LAP-EC-010)
- LAP-EC-903, Be Resourceful (Economic Resources), ©22 (formerly LAP-EC-014)
- LAP-EC-904, Use It (Economic Utility), ©24 (formerly LAP-EC-013)
- LAP-EC-905, It’s the Law (Supply and Demand), ©24 (formerly LAP-EC-011)
- LAP-EC-906, When More Is Less (Functions of Prices), ©23 (formerly LAP-EC-012)
- LAP-EC-907, Who’s the Boss? (Economic Systems), ©22 (formerly LAP-EC-017)
- LAP-EC-909, People Power (The Private Enterprise System), ©24 (formerly LAP-EC-015)
- LAP-EC-910, Risk Rewarded (Factors Affecting Profit), ©23 (formerly LAP-EC-002)
- LAP-EC-911, Lose, Win, or Draw (Business Risk), ©24 (formerly LAP-EC-003)
- LAP-EC-912, Ready, Set, Compete! (Competition), ©21 (formerly LAP-EC-008)
- LAP-EC-913, Make the Most of It (Productivity), ©24 (formerly LAP-EC-018)
- *LAP-EI-021, Make the Honor Role (Acting Responsibly), revised, ©21
- *LAP-EI-036, Everyone’s Worthy (Treating Others With Dignity and Respect), revised, ©21
- *LAP-EI-123, Rules To Live By (Nature of Ethics), revised, ©24
- *LAP-EI-124, What’s the Situation (Reasons for Ethical Dilemmas), revised, ©24
- *LAP-EI-125, Make the Right Choice (Recognizing and Responding to Ethical Dilemmas), revised, ©24
- *LAP-EI-127, Fair or Foul? (Demonstrating Fairness), revised, ©21
- *LAP-EI-128, Trust in Me (Building Trust in Relationships), revised, ©22
- *LAP-EI-129, Can We Talk? (Fostering Open, Honest Communication), revised, ©22
- *LAP-EI-137, Choose for the Future (Assessing the Long-Term Value and Impact of Actions on Others), revised, ©22
- *LAP-EI-138, Sincerely Yours (Demonstrating Honesty and Integrity), revised, ©22
- *LAP-EI-909, Lead the Way (Concept of Leadership), ©21 (formerly LAP-EI-016)
- LAP-FI-085, Show Me the Money (Nature of Accounting), revised, ©23
- LAP-FI-354, Money Matters (Role of Finance), revised, ©25 (CS)
- LAP-FI-579, By the Numbers (The Need for Financial Information), revised, ©25 (CS)
- LAP-HR-410, People Pusher (Nature of Human Resources Management), ©21 (formerly LAP-HR-035)
- LAP-IM-001, Get the Facts Straight (Marketing-Information Management), ©22 (formerly LAP-IM-002)
- LAP-IM-010, Seek and Find (Marketing Research), revised, ©23
- LAP-IM-012, Data Do It (Need for Marketing Data), revised, ©22
- *LAP-IM-025, Info With Integrity (Ethics in Marketing-Information Management), revised, ©22
- LAP-IM-184, Data Diving (Identifying Marketing Data), revised, ©23
- LAP-IM-281, What’s the Source? (Obtaining Marketing-Research Data), revised, ©24
- LAP-IM-282, What’s the Problem? (Marketing Research Problems), revised, ©23
- LAP-IM-284, Better by Design (Marketing Research Designs), revised, ©23
- LAP-IM-285, Take Your Pick (Nature of Sampling Plans), revised, ©24
- LAP-IM-289, Hunting and Gathering (Data Collection Methods), ©21 (formerly LAP-IM-017)
- LAP-MK-002, Work the Big Seven (Marketing Functions), ©23 (formerly LAP-MK-001)
- LAP-MK-014, Cause and Effect (Buying Behavior), revised, ©24
- LAP-MK-015, Act Now! (Employee Actions and Company Goals), revised, ©24
- LAP-MK-019, Just Do It…Right (Company Actions and Results), revised, ©24
- LAP-MK-901, Have It Your Way (Nature of Marketing), ©22 (formerly LAP-MK-004)
- LAP-MP-001, Pick the Mix (Nature of Marketing Strategies), ©22 (formerly LAP-MP-002)
- LAP-MP-003, Have We Met? (Market Identification), revised, ©23
- LAP-MP-007, A Winning Plan (Nature of Marketing Plans), revised, ©23
- LAP-MP-013, Futurecast (The Nature of Sales Forecasts), ©21 (formerly LAP-MP-005)
- LAP-NF-003, TECH-tastic (Technology’s Impact on Business), ©23 (formerly LAP-NF-004)
- LAP-NF-110, In the Know (Nature of Information Management), revised, ©22
- LAP-OP-015, Buy Right (Purchasing), ©21 (formerly LAP-OP-002)
- LAP-OP-017, Can You Make It? (Nature of Production), revised, ©22
- LAP-OP-189, Smooth Operations (Nature of Operations), revised, ©22
- LAP-OP-443, Deliver the Goods (Concept of Supply Chains), ©23
- *LAP-OP-519, Plan On It! (Planning Projects), revised, ©23
- *LAP-OP-520, Check Your (Project) Pulse (Monitoring Projects and Taking Corrective Actions), revised, ©23
- *LAP-OP-521, Making the Grade (Evaluating Project Success), revised, ©23
- *LAP-PD-017, Weigh Your Options (Decision-Making), revised, ©23
- LAP-PD-024, Career Opportunities in Marketing, ©19 (Exclusive to the MBA Learning Center, formerly LAP-PD-021)
- *LAP-PD-077, No Problem (Demonstrating Problem-Solving Skills), revised, ©21
- *LAP-PD-126, Ideas in Action (Innovation Skills), revised, ©22
- *LAP-PD-250, Do You Follow? (Adhering to Company Protocols and Policies), revised, ©22
- LAP-PD-252, Don’t Cheat the Chain (Following Chain of Command), revised, ©23
- *LAP-PD-918, Go for the Goal (Goal Setting), ©21 (formerly LAP-PD-016)
- LAP-PI-001, The Price Is Right (Nature of Pricing), revised, ©25 (SP)
- *LAP-PI-015, Pricing With Purpose (Ethics in Pricing), ©23
- LAP-PI-902, Make Cents (Factors Affecting Selling Price), ©22 (formerly LAP-PI-003)
- LAP-PM-003, Mix and Match (The Nature of the Product Mix), revised, ©20
- LAP-PM-017, Serving Up Products (Nature of Product/Service Management), revised, ©20
- LAP-PM-019, Raise the Bar (Grades and Standards), ©23 (formerly LAP-PM-008)
- LAP-PM-021, It’s a Brand, Brand, Brand World! (Nature of Product Branding), ©21 (formerly LAP-PM-006)
- LAP-PM-024, Get a Life (Cycle) Product Life Cycles, revised, ©24
- *LAP-PM-040, Safe and Sound (Ethics in Product/Service Management), revised, ©22
- LAP-PM-042, Getting Piece of Mind (Factors Used To Position Products/Services), revised, ©24
- LAP-PM-127, Unleash Your Mind (Techniques for Generating Product Ideas), revised, ©23
- LAP-PM-206, Corporate Identity (Nature of Corporate Branding), ©21 (formerly LAP-PM-020)
- LAP-PM-917, Protect and Serve (Consumer Protection), ©24 (formerly LAP-PM-007)
- LAP-PM-920, Promises, Promises (Warranties and Guarantees), ©23 (formerly LAP-PM-004)
- LAP-PR-007, Ad-quipping Your Business (Types of Advertising Media), ©22 (formerly LAP-PR-003)
- LAP-PR-901, Razzle Dazzle (Nature of Promotion), ©22 (formerly LAP-PR-002)
- LAP-PR-902, Know Your Options (Product and Institutional Promotion), ©22 (formerly LAP-PR-004)
- LAP-PR-903, Spread the Word (Nature of the Promotional Mix), ©23 (formerly LAP-PR-001)
- LAP-SE-017, Sell Away (The Nature and Scope of Selling), ©20 (formerly LAP-SE-117)
- LAP-SE-048, Set Your Sales (The Selling Process), revised, ©23
- LAP-SE-062, Get Informed (Acquiring Product Information for Use in Selling), ©20 (formerly LAP-SE-131)
- LAP-SE-076, Go Beyond the Sale (Customer Service in Selling), ©20 (formerly LAP-SE-130)
- LAP-SE-106, Keep It Real—In Sales (Legal and Ethical Considerations in Selling), ©21 (formerly LAP-SE-129)
- LAP-SE-109, Find Features, Boost Benefits (Feature-Benefit Selling), ©20 (formerly LAP-SE-113)
- LAP-SE-828, Keep Them Loyal (Key Factors in Building Clientele), revised, ©24
- LAP-SE-932, Sell Right (Selling Policies), revised, ©24
- LAP-SM-001, Manage This! (Concept of Management), ©21 (formerly LAP-SM-003)
*Free! We are indebted to the Daniels Fund for its support to bring these materials to you free of charge. This special pricing requires completion of a brief survey that will help us measure impact of these free materials.
For online access to all current LAPs, plus additional material as it becomes available, see the MBA Learning Center. 300+ modules, including PowerPoints, at significantly lower cost.