Products 1-2 of 2
Assessment: Program-of-Study (POS) End-of-Program Exams
Price: $45.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: POS-EXAMS -

MBA Research offers online exams for documenting student learning outcomes over entire multi-course programs of study.  Comparable forms of each exam are offered as (formative) pretests and as (summative) post-tests at any time. Each is 100% aligned with the National Business Administration standards and is 100% aligned with the corresponding program-of-study to ensure fully curriculum-aligned assessment. Available exams, offered as 3 or 4 Carnegie Unit Credits (Length of...

Assessment: Program-of-Study (POS) End-of-Program Pretests
Price: $25.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: POS-EXAMS-PRE -

Program-of-Study (POS) pretest exams (also called end-of-program pretest exams) are used in a variety of ways. They provide a straightforward way to measure student learning gains (comparing pretest scores with POS scores). Used annually, they provide guidance for various curriculum decisions. They also provide an invaluable way to help students review learning from prior courses and identify needed review and remediation. Pretests cover the same content (i.e., use the same test specifications...