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Products 97-144 of 328
LAP-EC-905,  Its the Law (Supply and Demand) (Download) LAP-EC-011,EC:005, Business Basics, Business Functions, Economics, Free Enterprise, Pricing
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EC-905 -

Your students might think they understand supply and demand, but do they know about buyer’s and seller’s markets, achieving equilibrium, and elastic and inelastic demand? It’s the Law (Supply and Demand) will teach them all these concepts and more! They’ll learn all about how supply and demand work together and affect every business. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a...

LAP-EC-906, When More Is Less (Functions of Prices) (Download) LAP-EC-012, EC:006, Economics, Business Basics, Business Functions, Pricing, Marketing
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EC-906 -

Why do we pay what we do for the things we buy? Help your students understand the importance of price, the functions of relative prices (information, incentives, and rationing), and the impact of supply and demand on the prices we pay for products and services. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about...

LAP-EC-907,  Whos the Boss? (Economic Systems) (Download) LAP-EC-017, EC:007, Economics, Economic Systems
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EC-907 -

Each of the four basic economic systems—traditional, communist, socialist, and market—has its own problems and its own way of answering three important economic questions. Help students understand the challenges that economic systems face, the decisions that they must make, and ways in which these decisions impact everyday life. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student...

LAP-EC-909, People Power (The Private Enterprise System) (Download) LAP-EC-015, EC:009, Economic Systems, Economics, Free Enterprise, Entrepreneurship
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EC-909 -

Do your students know the characteristics that make up the private enterprise system? Do they even know what private enterprise is? With People Power (The Private Enterprise System) you can help students learn the benefits and disadvantages of the private enterprise system, as well as the effects it has on the people who live in it. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a...

LAP-EC-910, Risk Rewarded (Factors Affecting Profit) (Download) LAP-EC-002, EC:010, Economics, Free Enterprise
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EC-910 -

Owning your own business is risky, but if you do it right, you’ll receive something for your efforts: profit. The financial gains realized from profit provide business owners with a real incentive to build successful businesses. Use Risk Rewarded to teach your students about types of profit, the benefits received from profit, the external and internal factors that affect profit, as well as ways to gain more profit. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that...

LAP-EC-911, Lose, Win, or Draw (Business Risk) (Download) LAP-EC-003,EC:011, Economics, Free Enterprise, Entrepreneurship, Risk Management
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EC-911 -

Your students take risks all the time, but do they realize how to translate their everyday risk experiences into the business world? If not, LAP-EC-911—Lose, Win, or Draw (Business Risk) can show them how! Use this LAP to teach your students the types of risk that businesses face, as well as how to handle them. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with...

LAP-EC-912, Ready, Set, Compete! (Competition) (Download) EC:012, LAP-EC-008, Economics, Free Enterprise, Entrepreneurship,
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EC-912 -

Competition isn’t a bad thing—it turns the wheels of our private enterprise economy! This LAP explains the types of competition, the four main types of market structures, and how competition benefits businesses, customers, and society. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about competition, a (So What?)...

LAP-EC-913, Make the Most of It (Productivity) (Download) LAP-EC-018, EC:013, Efficiency, Economics, Free Enterprise
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EC-913 -

Productivity involves working hard and keeping busy, but there’s more to it than that. What can businesses and individuals do to improve productivity? And what will get in the way of productivity? Help your students learn the answers to these questions, as well as the ways that productivity affects businesses, workers, consumers, society, and the economy with Make the Most of It (Productivity). LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements...

LAP-EC-914, Divide and Conquer (Specialization and Division of Labor) (Download) LAP-EC-007, EC:014, Economics, Free Enterprise
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EC-914 -

Teach your students about the advantages and disadvantages of specialization and division of labor, the impact of specialization on businesses and employees, and the relationship between job scope and depth. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about specialization and division of labor, a (So What?)...

LAP-EC-915, Get United (Organized Labor) (Download) LAP-EC-005,EC:015, Economics, Free Enterprise
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EC-915 -

Before the Industrial Revolution, many workers labored for low wages in poor working conditions. Organized labor began when workers joined together to demand better treatment. Teach your students what labor unions are, how they negotiate with employers, and what effects they have on employees and businesses. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with...

LAP-EC-916, Beyond US (Global Trade) (Download) LAP-EC-004, EC:016, Economics, International Business,
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EC-916 -

Do your students know where their stuff comes from? Chances are their favorite products have traveled a great distance to get to them. In this LAP, students will discover the impact of globalization—both on their everyday lives and on the buying and selling of goods across the world. They will learn why countries engage in global trade, the economic benefits of global trade, and the many barriers to trade. In The Gray Zone, students will examine the ethicality of sweatshop labor, an important...

LAP-EC-917, Measure Up? (Gross Domestic Product) (Download) LAP-EC-001, EC:017, Economics, Free Enterprise, GDP
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EC-917 -

What is gross domestic product and how can it be used to measure the health of economies across the world? Use LAP-EC-917 to teach your students all about gross domestic product, how to calculate and use it, and its advantages and flaws for governments and businesses. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information...

LAP-EC-918, Boom or Bust (Impact of Business Cycles) (Download) LAP-EC-009, EC:018, Economics
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EC-918 -

Explore the unpredictable business cycle and its expansions, contractions, peaks, and troughs with your students. Examine the difference between a recession and a depression, and help your students learn about the up-and-down business cycle, its phases, and internal and external factors that cause booms and busts. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with...

LAP-EI-001, EQ and You (Emotional Intelligence) (Download) EI:001, Personal Development, Character Development, Workplace, LAP-EI-006
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-001 -

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and manage emotions in ourselves and others. EQ and You (Emotional Intelligence) includes a detailed explanation of the components of emotional intelligence. It also explains the importance of emotional intelligence in the business world and the benefits that it brings to the workplace. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a...

LAP-EI-004, Work Right (Demonstrating Ethical Work Habits) (Download) EI:004, Emotional Intelligence, Ethics, Work-based Learning, Co-op Work Experience, Community-based Learning
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-004 -

The right work behavior can help employees become more successful in the workplace. This LAP explains the characteristics of ethical work habits, why they’re so important, and how everyone can develop their own ethical work habits. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about demonstrating ethical work...

LAP-EI-005, Start the Revolution (Leading Change) (Download) LAP-EI-022, EI:005, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Personal Development
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-005 -

Leading change is an important life and professional skill. Teach your students what it means to lead change with Start the Revolution. This LAP covers how anyone can lead change by taking action, the qualities of effective leaders, the importance of communication, and how to handle resistance. Videos of teen leaders in action offer inspiration. Activities include opportunities to identify effective leadership skills and examine situations that require change leadership. LAPs (Learning...

LAP-EI-006, Go With the Flow (Demonstrating Adaptability) (Download) LAP-EI-023, EI:006, Emotional Intelligence, Personal Development, Workplace, Co-op
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-006 -

Your students regularly experience change, but how well do they deal with it? Go With the Flow explains how being adaptable can help students deal with new situations in positive ways that help them learn, grow, and achieve. They’ll also learn the negative consequences of resisting change. This LAP includes activities and videos explaining how a flexible attitude can help students achieve success in many areas of life. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages...

LAP-EI-008, Assert Yourself (Assertiveness) (Download) LAP-EI-018, EI:008, Emotional Intelligence, Personal Development, Work-based Learning, Co-op Work Experience, Community-based Learning
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-008 -

Finding the happy medium between aggressiveness and passiveness is the key to “win-win” situations in the workplace! This LAP explains why assertiveness is so important and explains the steps anyone can take to become more assertive. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about assertiveness, a (So What?)...

LAP-EI-019, Opt for Optimism (Positive Attitude) (Download) LAP-EI-003,EI:019, Emotional Intelligence, Personal Development
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-019 -

When it comes to personal and professional success, attitude is everything. In this LAP, students will discover the many benefits of fostering and maintaining an optimistic attitude. They will be introduced to effective methods for improving their attitude, from “thought stopping” to gratitude journaling. In an accompanying activity, students will evaluate and analyze their own attitudes using personality questionnaires. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional...

LAP-EI-021, Make the Honor Role (Acting Responsibly) (Download) EI:021, Emotional Intelligence, Character Development, Co-op, Workplace, LAP-PD-007
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-021 -

What do honesty, respect, fairness, accountability, and courage have in common? They are the essential elements of responsible behavior! Use Make the Honor Role to teach your students about these must-have personality traits, the importance of acting responsibly, and how to be responsible at home, at school, and on the job. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student...

LAP-EI-024, Hustle! (Taking Initiative) (Download) EI:024, LAP-EI-002, Emotional Intelligence
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-024 -

Initiative is an extremely important skill in all areas—school, work, home, relationships, and more! Teach your students about this crucial trait with LAP-EI-024—Hustle! (Taking Initiative). They’ll learn why initiative is necessary and how they can demonstrate it in all aspects of their lives. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission)...

LAP-EI-025, Control Yourself! (Demonstrating Self-Control) (Download) LAP-EI-014, EI:025, Emotional Intelligence, Work-based Learning, Co-op Work Experience, Human Relations
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-025 -

Developing self-control requires a lot of self-discipline, patience, and practice, but it can be done! Control Yourself! (Demonstrating Self-Control) explains the importance of keeping one’s cool as well as how to develop and exhibit self-control. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about demonstrating...

LAP-EI-027, High Hopes (Developing an Achievement Orientation) (Download) EI:027, Emotional Intelligence, Work-based Learning, LAP-EI-010
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-027 -

Achievement-oriented people produce high-quality work, demonstrate leadership, and take responsibility. If these are skills you’d like your students to learn about, check out High Hopes. This LAP shows students why an achievement orientation is so important—and what they can do to develop their own. This LAP is packed with videos and activities that engage and inspire students to aim higher, accomplish more, and achieve personal goals. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive...

LAP-EI-028, Keep Your Cool (Stress Management) (Download) EI:028, Emotional Intelligence
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-028 -

Stress is something we all deal with from time to time, but too much stress can lead to burnout. With Keep Your Cool (Stress Management), your students will learn what stress is, how it can be harmful, and how employees and employers can manage it. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about stress...

LAP-EI-030, Have a Heart (Showing Empathy for Others) (Download) EI:030, LAP-EI-012, Emotional Intelligence, Workplace, Ethics
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-030 -

Do your students understand the importance of developing empathy? Learning how to listen, speak tactfully, and consider others’ feelings can help your students become aware of how their actions impact the people they come into contact with every day. The ability to understand others’ feelings and life experiences can help your students succeed in their personal lives and in their future careers. The LAP Have a Heart provides a variety of videos and activities that engage students in...

LAP-EI-033, Getting To Know You (Cultural Sensitivity) (Download) EI:033, Emotional Intelligence, Workplace, LAP-EI-011
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-033 -

Cultural sensitivity is an essential personal skill for improving relationships and creating a more accurate worldview. Being culturally sensitive is also important to succeed academically, professionally, and to compete in today’s global marketplace. With Getting To Know You (Cultural Sensitivity), your students will learn what cultural sensitivity is, why it’s important, and what they can do to become more culturally sensitive. LAPs are comprehensive instructional packages that include all...

LAP-EI-036, Everyone’s Worthy (Treating Others With Dignity and Respect) (Download) EI:036, Emotional Intelligence, Equity, Business Behavior, Interpersonal Skills, Co-op, Workplace, LAP-EI-020
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-036 -

Treating others with respect and dignity is an important skill to have, at school or in the workplace. This LAP explains the ways people are different and how to treat them respectfully, no matter what. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about treating others with dignity and respect, a (So What?)...

LAP-EI-037, Can You Relate? (Fostering Positive Working Relationships) (Download) EI:037, Emotional Intelligence, Interpersonal Skills, Work-based Learning, Co-op Work Experience, Community-based Learning, Business Behavior, LAP-EI-005
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-037 -

Plain and simple, people need other people. This LAP explains interdependence, how to nurture personal and professional relationships, and the ways in which different management styles affect the work environment. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about fostering positive working relationships, a (So...

LAP-EI-038, A Fine Line (Ethical Considerations in Providing Information) (Download) EI:038, Ethics, Management, Skills, Development
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-038 -

A Fine Line (Ethical Considerations in Providing Information) introduces students to the importance of ethics when providing information. This LAP discusses key ethical considerations when sharing information—such as misinformation vs. disinformation, half-truths, and out-of-context information—and ways businesses and their employees can protect proprietary information. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented...

LAP-EI-041, Bring Out the Best (Coaching Others) (Download) EI:041, LAP-EI-024, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Personal Development
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-041 -

Coaching is a life skill used to help others achieve more in life, not just on the court or on the field. Share Bring Out the Best with your students so they can learn the traits and skills needed to effectively coach others, as well as the coaching process itself. Videos of coaches in action from students to professionals show that anyone has the potential to coach others. Activities include reflecting on effective coaches, creating a coaching plan, and more. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages)...

LAP-EI-045, Team Up (Participating as a Team Member) (Download) EI:045, Emotional Intelligence, Ethics
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-045 -

Many skills—such as commitment, communication, sharing, controlling conflict, and encouragement—are necessary to become an effective team player. Use this LAP to teach your students about different types of teams, why teams are important, how teams are beneficial, and the ways that teamwork leads to success. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with...

LAP-EI-059, Raise Them Up (Motivating Others) (Download) EI:059, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Ethics, Teamwork
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-059 -

LAP-EI-060, Vision Quest (Enlisting Others in Vision) (Download) EI:060, Emotional Intelligence, Management, Leadership, LAP-EI-013
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-060 -

Successful organizations have clear visions for their futures. But what makes a shared vision successful? This LAP explains the difference between organizational visions and team visions, shows what an effective vision looks like, and describes what team leaders can do to “sell” people on their company’s vision. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with...

LAP-EI-062, Make It a Win-Win (Negotiation in Business) (Download) EI:062, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Communications, LAP-EI-008
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-062 -

Your students negotiate every day, whether they realize it or not. But not all negotiations are as simple as deciding what to have for dinner—what about important workplace negotiations, like advocating for a raise or bargaining with a coworker? With this LAP, you can give your students a leg up. They’ll learn how to negotiate with anyone—supervisors, coworkers, or customers. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a...

LAP-EI-063, Picture This! (Determining Personal Vision) (Download) EI:063, Emotional Intelligence, Ethics, LAP-QS-011
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-063 -

Our world has been shaped by influential people with visions—mental pictures of a better and brighter future. Consider Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech or Walt Disney’s vision of creating the happiest place on Earth. Both individuals had a vision for the future, and both spent their lives working toward creating that future. In this LAP, students will learn the benefits of having a vision, the components of a good vision, and how to create their own personal visions so that...

LAP-EI-064, Culture Club (The Nature of Organizational Culture) (Download) EI:064, Emotional Intelligence, Ethics
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-064 -

Organizational culture is an essential component of every workplace. In this LAP, students will discover the core components of organizational culture and how they shape employees’ lives at work. They will learn the benefits of maintaining a positive culture, as well as the factors that influence a company’s culture. Students will also investigate organizational culture in the real world by researching successful companies. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional...

LAP-EI-075, It’s Up to You (Taking Responsibility for Decisions and Actions) (Download) EI:075, Emotional Intelligence, Workplace, Co-op
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-075 -

Responsibility is fundamental to success at school, at work, and in life. Teach your students about the benefits of being responsible, the consequences of being irresponsible, the traits responsible people possess, and the steps they can take to develop responsibility for their decisions and actions. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT!...

LAP-EI-077, Commit to It! (Managing Commitments in a Timely Manner) (Download) EI:077, Emotional Intelligence, Personal Development
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-077 -

In today’s fast-paced society, nearly everyone has experienced the stress of being overcommitted. Learning how to manage commitments in a timely manner is an essential skill for everyone to develop. Commit to It! (Managing Commitments in a Timely Manner) helps students understand the concepts of committing and overcommitting, as well as reasons to manage commitments in a timely manner. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a...

LAP-EI-078, Rally the Troops (Using Ethics in Staff Supervision) (Download) EI:078, Ethics, Leadership, Management
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-078 -

Rally the Troops (Using Ethics in Staff Supervision) introduces students to the importance of ethics in staff supervision. Students will learn about common ethical dilemmas that supervisors face in the workplace, as well as the essential techniques all supervisors need to incorporate ethics into their leadership strategies. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student...

LAP-EI-091, Worth the Risk (Assessing Risks of Personal Decisions) (Download) EI:091, Emotional Intelligence, Ethics
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-091 -

Life is full of decisions. Choosing cereal for breakfast is easy, but big decisions like choosing a career are difficult because they impact your life in a big way. This LAP—Worth the Risk (Assessing Risks of Personal Decisions)—will help your students learn how to assess and analyze risks of decisions that impact their lives and the lives of others. Activities and videos provide opportunities to discuss and assess the many different risks of personal decisions. LAPs (Learning Activity...

LAP-EI-092, Embrace the Unknown (Developing a Tolerance for Ambiguity) (Download) EI:092, Emotional Intelligence, Ethics
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-092 -

Accepting the uncertainty of life is an important skill for everyone to develop. Embrace the Unknown (Developing a Tolerance for Ambiguity) teaches students about ambiguity and why it is important to tolerate it. It also includes step-by-step techniques to develop and demonstrate tolerance for ambiguity in their personal lives, in school, and in the workplace. The relevant examples and activities will help them connect this topic to their own lives. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are...

LAP-EI-108, Do They Buy It? ("Selling" Ideas to Others) (Download) EI:108, Emotional Intelligence, Ethics
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-108 -

In today’s competitive workplace, it’s more important than ever to stand out from the crowd. So, how can students distinguish themselves from their peers? According to business professionals, learning how to effectively “sell” their ideas is a good start. In this LAP, students will learn to master the key steps in the process of idea selling and gain real-life insight on why this skill is so important. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all...

LAP-EI-123, Rules To Live By (Nature of Ethics) (Download) EI:123, Emotional Intelligence, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Co-op
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-123 -

Being ethical takes a lot more than just doing what’s legal. As this LAP explains, being ethical means doing what’s right, no matter what—even when no one is looking! The LAP also explains the importance of ethical principles, describes the consequences of unethical behavior, and explores the key principles that help with ethical conduct. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes...

LAP-EI-124, What’s the Situation? (Reasons for Ethical Dilemmas) (Download) EI:124, Emotional Intelligence, Ethics, Work-based Learning, Co-op Work Experience, Community-based Learning
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-124 -

All of us face ethical dilemmas, but what causes them? This LAP explains the difference between dilemmas and ethical dilemmas and describes some of the common reasons why ethical dilemmas occur. It also discusses the actions anyone can take to make the right decisions. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information...

LAP-EI-125, Make the Right Choice (Recognizing and Responding to Ethical Dilemmas) (Download) EI:125, Emotional Intelligence, Workplace, Co-op
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-125 -

How can you spot an ethical dilemma, and what can you do once you discover one? This LAP explains the importance of identifying ethical dilemmas and outlines the steps anyone can take to successfully respond to them. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about recognizing and responding to ethical dilemmas,...

LAP-EI-126, Assess Yourself (Assessing Your Personal Behavior and Values) (Download) EI:126, Emotional Intelligence, Character Development, Ethics, Personal Development
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-126 -

Assess Yourself guides students through understanding their own personal values and behavior. This LAP explains what values and behavior are and how they relate to one another. It emphasizes the importance of discovering and assessing one’s personal values and behavior, then acting in accordance with them. This LAP demonstrates the importance and impact that values and behavior have on students’ lives, both now and in the future. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive...

LAP-EI-127, Fair or Foul? (Demonstrating Fairness) (Download) EI:127, Emotional Intelligence, Workplace, Co-op
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-127 -

Fairness is the ability to make decisions and act without favoritism or self-interest. Teaching your students how to demonstrate fairness is essential to their long-term success in their careers and personal lives. Use this LAP to guide your students to understanding what fairness is, what personal traits contribute to fairness, and how to treat others fairly. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson...

LAP-EI-128, Trust in Me (Building Trust in Relationships) (Download) EI:128, Emotional Intelligence, Ethics
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-128 -

Trust is at the very foundation of all our relationships—with family, friends, and coworkers. To be trustworthy takes work and commitment. Trust in Me (Building Trust in Relationships) teaches students about the characteristics of someone who is trustworthy and techniques to build trust with the people around them. Students will also learn about how trust and ethics are related. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a...