Products 1-20 of 20
LAP-EI-001, EQ and You (Emotional Intelligence) (Download) EI:001, Personal Development, Character Development, Workplace, LAP-EI-006
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-001 -

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and manage emotions in ourselves and others. EQ and You (Emotional Intelligence) includes a detailed explanation of the components of emotional intelligence. It also explains the importance of emotional intelligence in the business world and the benefits that it brings to the workplace. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a...

LAP-EI-005, Start the Revolution (Leading Change) (Download) LAP-EI-022, EI:005, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Personal Development
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-005 -

Leading change is an important life and professional skill. Teach your students what it means to lead change with Start the Revolution. This LAP covers how anyone can lead change by taking action, the qualities of effective leaders, the importance of communication, and how to handle resistance. Videos of teen leaders in action offer inspiration. Activities include opportunities to identify effective leadership skills and examine situations that require change leadership. LAPs (Learning...

LAP-EI-006, Go With the Flow (Demonstrating Adaptability) (Download) LAP-EI-023, EI:006, Emotional Intelligence, Personal Development, Workplace, Co-op
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-006 -

Your students regularly experience change, but how well do they deal with it? Go With the Flow explains how being adaptable can help students deal with new situations in positive ways that help them learn, grow, and achieve. They’ll also learn the negative consequences of resisting change. This LAP includes activities and videos explaining how a flexible attitude can help students achieve success in many areas of life. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages...

LAP-EI-008, Assert Yourself (Assertiveness) (Download) LAP-EI-018, EI:008, Emotional Intelligence, Personal Development, Work-based Learning, Co-op Work Experience, Community-based Learning
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-008 -

Finding the happy medium between aggressiveness and passiveness is the key to “win-win” situations in the workplace! This LAP explains why assertiveness is so important and explains the steps anyone can take to become more assertive. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about assertiveness, a (So What?)...

LAP-EI-019, Opt for Optimism (Positive Attitude) (Download) LAP-EI-003,EI:019, Emotional Intelligence, Personal Development
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-019 -

When it comes to personal and professional success, attitude is everything. In this LAP, students will discover the many benefits of fostering and maintaining an optimistic attitude. They will be introduced to effective methods for improving their attitude, from “thought stopping” to gratitude journaling. In an accompanying activity, students will evaluate and analyze their own attitudes using personality questionnaires. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional...

LAP-EI-024, Hustle! (Taking Initiative) (Download) EI:024, LAP-EI-002, Emotional Intelligence
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-024 -

Initiative is an extremely important skill in all areas—school, work, home, relationships, and more! Teach your students about this crucial trait with LAP-EI-024—Hustle! (Taking Initiative). They’ll learn why initiative is necessary and how they can demonstrate it in all aspects of their lives. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission)...

LAP-EI-027, High Hopes (Developing an Achievement Orientation) (Download) EI:027, Emotional Intelligence, Work-based Learning, LAP-EI-010
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-027 -

Achievement-oriented people produce high-quality work, demonstrate leadership, and take responsibility. If these are skills you’d like your students to learn about, check out High Hopes. This LAP shows students why an achievement orientation is so important—and what they can do to develop their own. This LAP is packed with videos and activities that engage and inspire students to aim higher, accomplish more, and achieve personal goals. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive...

LAP-EI-028, Keep Your Cool (Stress Management) (Download) EI:028, Emotional Intelligence
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-028 -

Stress is something we all deal with from time to time, but too much stress can lead to burnout. With this LAP, your students will learn what stress is, how it can be harmful, and how employees and employers can manage it. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about stress management, a (So What?)...

LAP-EI-041, Bring Out the Best (Coaching Others) (Download) EI:041, LAP-EI-024, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Personal Development
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-041 -

Coaching is a life skill used to help others achieve more in life, not just on the court or on the field. Share Bring Out the Best with your students so they can learn the traits and skills needed to effectively coach others, as well as the coaching process itself. Videos of coaches in action from students to professionals show that anyone has the potential to coach others. Activities include reflecting on effective coaches, creating a coaching plan, and more. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages)...

LAP-EI-075, It’s Up to You (Taking Responsibility for Decisions and Actions) (Download) EI:075, Emotional Intelligence, Workplace, Co-op
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-075 -

Responsibility is fundamental to success at school, at work, and in life. Teach your students about the benefits of being responsible, the consequences of being irresponsible, the traits responsible people possess, and the steps they can take to develop responsibility for their decisions and actions. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT!...

LAP-EI-077, Commit to It! (Managing Commitments in a Timely Manner) (Download) EI:077, Emotional Intelligence, Personal Development
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-077 -

In today’s fast-paced society, nearly everyone has experienced the stress of being overcommitted. Learning how to manage commitments in a timely manner is an essential skill for everyone to develop. Commit to It! (Managing Commitments in a Timely Manner) helps students understand the concepts of committing and overcommitting, as well as reasons to manage commitments in a timely manner. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a...

LAP-EI-126, Assess Yourself (Assessing Your Personal Behavior and Values) (Download) EI:126, Emotional Intelligence, Character Development, Ethics, Personal Development
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-126 -

Assess Yourself guides students through understanding their own personal values and behavior. This LAP explains what values and behavior are and how they relate to one another. It emphasizes the importance of discovering and assessing one’s personal values and behavior, then acting in accordance with them. This LAP demonstrates the importance and impact that values and behavior have on students’ lives, both now and in the future. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive...

LAP-EI-902, Assess for Success (Assessing Personal Strengths and Weaknesses) (Download) EI:017, LAP-EI-017, Emotional Intelligence, Personal Development, Careers, Workplace, Co-op
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-902 -

We all work best when we capitalize on our strengths and minimize our weaknesses. This LAP explains how self-assessments can help people increase opportunities for career success, ace their interviews, make better decisions, work well in teams, and more! LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about assessing...

LAP-EI-903, Grin and Bear It (Using Feedback for Personal Growth) (Download) EI:003, LAP-EI-015, Emotional Intelligence, Personal Development, Professional Development, Workplace, Co-op
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-903 -

Everybody receives feedback, whether it’s in a report card, a performance evaluation, or simply a conversation with a customer. This LAP describes different types of feedback and explains how everyone can learn to better handle criticism. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about using feedback for...

LAP-EI-917, Dont Jump to Conclusions! (Recognizing and Overcoming Personal Biases and Stereotypes) (Download) EI:017, LAP-EI-139, Emotional Intelligence, Ethics
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-917 -

Don’t Jump to Conclusions! provides the essential knowledge students need to recognize and overcome their own personal biases. This LAP includes comprehensive explanations of bias, unconscious bias, stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination with real-life examples that students will relate to. It also teaches students how to identify and overcome their own biases so they can embrace diversity and treat others with fairness and respect. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive...

LAP-EI-918, Youve Got Personality (Personality Traits in Business) (Download) LAP-EI-009,EI:018, Emotional Intelligence, Business Behavior, Work-based Learning, Co-op Work Experience, Community-based Learning
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-EI-918 -

Everyone has their own unique personality, but some personality traits are more desirable than others. You've Got Personality will teach your students how to develop the personality traits they need to succeed in business. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about personality traits in business, a (So...

LAP-PD-002, Look Good, Feel Good (Personal Appearance) (Download) PD:002, LAP-PD-005, Professional Development, Job Seeking, Employability, Job Application, Emotional Intelligence, Workplace
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-PD-002 -

Help your students understand how their personal appearance impacts their self-confidence, self-concept, self-esteem, and the image they present to others. Look Good, Feel Good (Personal Appearance) teaches students the importance of a strong personal brand in interviews and for professional success. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT!...

LAP-PD-019, About Time (Time Management) (Download) LAP-PD-001, PD:019, Professional Development, Personal Development
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-PD-019 -

Time-management skills can help students keep up in school, keep up with friends and family, and still have time left over for the activities they enjoy. Time is a valuable natural resource that we must use wisely. This LAP teaches the importance of time management, general principles of time management, and a step-by-step process for creating your own time-management plan. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a...

LAP-PD-077, No Problem (Demonstrating Problem-Solving Skills) (Download) PD:077, Professional Development, Decision Making, Leadership, Co-op, LAP-PD-017
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-PD-077 -

Problems aren’t always easy to solve, but that doesn’t mean solving them is impossible! This LAP explains the three basic categories of problems and why problem-solving is an important skill. It also details how to solve problems by using intuition, the seven-step method, and creativity. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that...

LAP-PD-918, Go for the Goal (Goal Setting) (Download) PD:018, LAP-PD-016, Professional Development, Personal Development, Self Esteem, Values, Workplace, Co-op
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-PD-918 -

A person who knows what they want is much more likely to achieve success. That’s why goal setting is so important! This LAP explains what goals are, what makes them work, and how anyone can benefit from setting them. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about goal setting, a (So What?) discussion of why...